As an A2LA Accredited ISO 17025:2017 Calibration Lab, DC Scientific is an apex supplier of D446 Viscometer Tubes, Stability Baths, Certified Reference Materials, and accessories for use in D445 Viscosity Determinations.
In addition to our Calibration capabilities we are a “one stop shop” for all things Viscosity Related. DC is your Total Viscosity Solution.
At DC SCIENTIFIC few products provide an all-encompassing glimpse of who we are like our offerings for ASTM D445/D446. To put it succinctly, WE ARE VISCOSITY EXPERTS!
Our catalog for Viscosity Analysis unites several of our product ranges. Not only do we distribute these products but we also use them. Our credibility is earned. Our application knowledge is by way of experience. WE ARE VISCOSITY EXPERTS!
DC SCIENTIFIC manufactures all of our Viscometer Tubes IN HOUSE using Precision Bore Tubing. We employ TAMSON INSTRUMENTS Thermal Stability Baths and ASTM specific testing accessories. PARAGON SCIENTIFIC ensures our Viscosity Standards are of the highest quality. Our Lab’s Critical Materials all come from REAGECON.
Our Lead Times are among the best in the industry and our Quality is unmatched. All of our Viscometer Tubes come with an A2LA Accredited ISO 17025:2017 Certificate of Calibration.

The Tamson TV4000 is the industry standard Viscosity Bath. The Temperature Stability is unmatched. DC Scientific uses the TV4000 and TV12LT baths in our calibration labs.
SEE MORE ABOUT TAMSON VISCOSITY BATHSEvery detail has been considered. Tamson Viscometer Holders, Timers, and other accessories have been designed with the user in mind and help make the job easier.

Our Viscosity Calibration Standards are from Paragon Scientific and offer the highest level of traceability with their ISO 17025 / 17034 certificate of calibration. The means the lowest possible degree of uncertainty both in our lab and yours!
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE VISCOSITY STANDARDS DC USESDC Scientific is A2LA Accredited for ISO 17025:2017 Calibration. Your Viscometer Tubes can be sent to our laboratory for periodic recalibration. The certificate you receive back ensures the highest degree of traceability and quality.